Whether I'm trying my best to not fall off an Icelandic glacier, or standing in an ice-cold stream in Austria, or watching a lioness snack on a zebra on the African plains, or (more often) just sitting at my desk overhearing 16-year-old girl gossip, every day's a holly-day for me.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Countdown Begins. Again.

Once again, I'm gearing up for the next big adventure. My friend and colleague, Carly Cannon, and I are leaving Thursday for a two-week trip to Italy and Greece. We will travel with a National Geographic photographer, Massimo Bassano, two Nat Geo leaders, David and Carolyn, and 13 girls from MHS. Did you read those last five words? 13 girls. 13 girls, ages 15-17. And three women. God speed to Massimo and David.

For whatever reason, I'm not nearly as stressed about preparation for this trip as I was about Africa. I suppose this is because unlike last year, I am not worried about sleeping on the ground in a tent, contracting malaria or getting eaten by a lion. I am hopeful that my biggest worry on this trip is what gelato flavor I will be trying each day. And by "each day," I mean each and EVERY day. The biggest challenge of the packing so far is, as always, shoes. How does one walk all over Europe looking cute but also being comfortable? It's 2011...I can program my DVR from my phone while driving down the road in a different country. Can't SOMEONE make cute AND comfortable walking shoes!?

We will be visiting Florence, Rome, Athens, Nafplio, Delphi and several small towns and villages along the way. I have been to Europe, but never Greece or Italy. Can't wait to get there!

Ciao! (You are all going to be soooooooo sick of reading that by the time I am finished with this trip!)

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! I'm jealous. Sounds like quite the adventure! Get an extra scoop of gelato for me. And call me when you get back!
