Whether I'm trying my best to not fall off an Icelandic glacier, or standing in an ice-cold stream in Austria, or watching a lioness snack on a zebra on the African plains, or (more often) just sitting at my desk overhearing 16-year-old girl gossip, every day's a holly-day for me.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Should Sell Tickets to This

I am almost finished packing. Backpack: 35 pounds. Duffle: 28 pounds. Camera Bag: 15 pounds. Watching me try to get the backpack on my back and the camera bag and duffle on my shoulders by myself and carry it up and down the stairs four times as suggested by campers much more experienced than I: PRICELESS. I should do the whole thing all over again tomorrow night and sell tickets for the viewing of such activity. Trust me, it would be much more entertaining than most of the summer movies out right now, and I will only charge $7 a ticket. OK, $5. And the first person that shows up and helps me figure out where the tripod will fit gets in for free!


  1. Where do I buy tickets to this showing?!

  2. They go on sale at 10:00 a.m., 6/9/2010. AMEX card members can purchase in advance, starting NOW. Just send me your credit card number, expiration date and that sweet little code on the back of the card and show up at my house at 6 p.m, Wednesday.

  3. You are too much for me!! GOOD LUCK. I'll be thinking of yall....and the lions.

  4. I will pay you an extra ten dollars if you do it with a blindfold on!

  5. Sorry I missed the pre-sale and the show! That would have been fun to watch!
